Mestetskiy Leonid
Материал из MachineLearning.
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Leonid Mestetskiy
Leonid Mestetskiy - earned an MS in mathematics from Lomonosov Moscow State University (1971). Between 1971-1992 he worked in the Deffence Research Institute as a research fellow (1971-1975), a senior research fellow (1976-1991), and the leading research fellow (1992). In 1992-2000 he worked as a professor in Tver’ State University, Department of Information Systems and Technologies. From 2000 to present he holds a professorship in Lomonosov Moscow State University in the Department of Mathematical Forecast Methods. Since 2004 he is also a professor of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Department of Intelligent Systems. Also since 2004, he works as the head of the Informatics and Mathematics Department at the International University in Moscow. He received the Ph.D. degree (1982), D.Sc. degree (1991), in computer science, and professor degree in information technologies (1998). He is a Members of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (2004). He has published more than 150 papers on applied mathematics, modeling, computational geometry, computer graphics, image processing and recognition. He lectures on the basic courses "Image processing and recognition", "Mathematical methods for pattern recognition", and special courses "Mathematical methods in biometrics", "Continuous morphological models and algorithms."
Key publications
- Surface measures for accuracy evaluation in 3d face reconstruction // Pattern Recognition, vol.45 (2012) , # 10, Elsevier, p. 3583–3589. (In collaboration with N. Dyshkant, D. Gordeev, M. Sharmila Kumari, B.H.Shekar)
- Hand geometry analysis by continuous skeletons // Lecture Notes in computer science, Volume 6753/2011, Part 2, Image analysis and recognition, Springer, 2011, p.130-139. (In collaboration with I. Bakina, A. Kurakin)
- Skeleton Representation based on compound Bezier curves // Proceedings of the International conference on computer vision theory and applications (VISAPP 2010), Volume 1, Anger, France, May 17-21, 2010, p.44-51.
- Skeleton of a Multi-ribbon Surface // Lecture Notes in computer science, Volume 6016/2010, Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2010, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, p.557-573. (In collaboration with I. Mekhedov)
- The method of biometric of personal identification by parameters of the hand // Patent of the Russian Federation № 2304806, 2007.
- Shape comparison of flexible objects – similarity of palm silhouettes // Proc. of the International conference on computer vision theory and applications (VISAPP 2007), Barcelona, Spain, 2007, p.390-393.
- Скелетизация многосвязной многоугольной фигуры на основе дерева смежности её границы // Сибирский журнал вычислительной математики, том 9, № 3, 2006, с.299-314.
- Skeletonization of a multiply-connected polygonal domain based on its boundary adjacent tree // Siberian J. of Numer. Mathematics / Sib. Branch of Russ. Acad. Of Sci. –– Novosibirsk, 2006. –– Vol. 9, No 3. –– P. 299-314.
- Fat curves and representation of planar figures // Computers & Graphics, 2000, v. 24, N 1, pp. 9–21.
Leadership of research projects
- New mathematical methods for processing and recognition of heterogeneous video data, grant Russian Foundation for Basic Research 96-01-00553-а, 1996–1998.
- Research and development of algorithms for computer font technology, grant U.S.Civilian Research & Development Foundation RM2-133, 1996-1998.
- Methods of object shape recognition based on image morphing, grant Russian Foundation for Basic Research 99-01-00829-а, 1999–2001.
- Computer-assisted querying of digitized handwritten archives, grant U.S.Civilian Research & Development Foundation RM2-2245, 2000-2002.
- Discrete-to-continuous shape transformations in image processing and analysis, grant Russian Foundation for Basic Research 02-01-00667-а, 2002–2004.
- Shape analysis and classification for biometric identification, grant Russian Foundation for Basic Research 04-01-08058-офи_а, 2004–2005.
- Parallel algorithms for discrete-to-continuous shape transformations in image processing, grant Intel, 2006.
- Methods of shape recognition based on discrete-to-continuous image transformations, grant Russian Foundation for Basic Research 05-01-00542-а, 2005–2007.
- Methods of image shape analysis and recognition based on continuous models, grant Russian Foundation for Basic Research 08-01-00670-а, 2008–2010.
- Spatial modeling of human faces for real time analysis and classification, grant Russian Foundation for Basic Research and Department of Science & Technology, Government of India, 09-07-92652-ИНД_а, 2009–2010.
- Image shape analysis and recognition based at active morphological models, grant Russian Foundation for Basic Research 11-01-00783-а, 2011-2013.
- Mathematical models and morphological analysis based algorithms for image comparison and classification in computer vision systems, grant Russian Foundation for Basic Research and Department of Science & Technology, Government of India, 12-07-92695-ИНД_а, 2012-2013.
Dissertations surervised as principal advisor
Thesis completed at the Department of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Moscow State University (MSU), the Faculty of Management and Applied Mathematics, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT), the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics, Tver State University (TSU), and the Computer Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (CCAS).
Ph.D. dissertations
- Desyatov V.B. Method and algorithm for fast channel switching devices for asynchronous data transfer, 1999, TSU.
- Reyer I.A. Methods of image shape analysis based on boundary-skeletal representation, 2004, CCAS.
- Semenov A.B. Mathematical methods and software for images shape approximating by circular figures, 2005, TSU.
- Shchetinin D.V. Test-driven simulation system of ground movement of aircraft, 2008, TSU.
- Masalovich A.A. Computational methods for detection and correction of geometric distortion in images of text documents, 2010, MSU.
- Tsiskaridze A.K. Reconstruction of circular spatial models based at silhouette images, 2010, MIPT.
- Dyshkant N.F. Efficient algorithms for comparing surfaces represented by point clouds, 2011, MSU.
- Bakina I.G. Morphological comparison of the flexible object images based on circular models for biometric identification by hand geometry, 2011, MSU.
- Mehedov I.S. Multi-ribbon figure and its medial descriptors, 2012, CCAS.
- Kurakin A.V. Dynamic gestures recognition in computer vision system based on the medial representation of the image shape, 2012, MIPT.
- Khromov D.V. Models and algorithms for curve skeleton spatial shapes, 2013, MSU.